The Art of Web Design

The explosion of the internet over the past 20 years has led to the development of one of the newest creative mediums: the website. Web designers have adapted through the technological developments of html, CSS, Flash, and JavaScript, and have mastered the balance between creativity and usability. Now with the advance of mobile, the greatest websites have taken user experience and responsive design to the next level, and continue our evolution from print to a digital world.

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  • Juan 9 years ago

    Review by H. Yau for Rating: We’ve had this monitor for a few mhnots now and it has been performing well. We actually bought this product as a way to share our adoption experience with our family when we went to meet our daughter in China. It was really fun for us as well as for the grandparents to be able to meet and see her in those first few days for us as a family. Since we had to travel to a few different cities and stay at different hotels, it was really convenient to be able to just plug the usb dongle into my laptop and uses the laptop’s internet connection to share out the video with our folks. Here were a couple of reason that closed the deal for us initially for our trip: (instead of just using the built-in notebook webcam)1. Convenience it’s wireless and can operate on 4 AA batteries, which made it much more convenient to place than the laptop. 2. Availability we could leave the computer/software running for the grandparents to log in at anytime. (mainly during the night to watch her sleep) Now we’ve been home and used it more as a traditional monitor. I feel like I have a good perspective of what it does well and what it doesn’t.The Good – Internet capable and remote access: this is really the biggest reason for buying this device. The bundled Seedonk software provides good video quality and audio sensitivity. It’s really nice to be able to access the monitor over 3G on my iPhone, and the Facebook app is fun and makes it really easy for our close friends and family to view the camera. (though in actuality, we found that we didn’t use the Facebook app that much after the initial phase) – Easy to install and use. I’ve researched other similar products where it was quite a pain to get remote-access working, so I was definitely happy with how easy the setup and user experience was. – Battery option. It made it very convenient for temporary placement. It had pretty decent battery life, we had it running for about 4-5 hours on 4AA batteries. (Note that there are no batteries included and it’s not rechargeable, we bought a few packs of batteries in China because of this.) The Bad- The image quality and resolution could be better. A caveat here is this depends on what you compare it with. It’s great if you compare it with a baby monitor’s image quality (which is what we figured), but poor if you compare it with standard webcams. – Video only on the iPhone. (though on their support forum, they say that a new release with audio is schedule for the end of April) – I need to leave my PC running for remote viewing. (This set up was convenient when we were traveling, but at home it’s a bit of a hassle) – Potential interference w/ wifi. We do not have this issue in our home, but I have seen it happen once when we were traveling. If you search most of the popular video monitors on Amazon that run on 2.4GHz frequency you will see this complaint, so I think it has to do with devices that use this frequency. (People have suggested various workarounds that may or may not work for them) I think whether or not you will be affected has a lot to do with how much 2.4GHz wireless interference you have in your home. If there are a lot, you may have problems. My conclusion is that this product will not replace a traditional monitor, so if you are looking to this to replace the features of a traditional video baby monitor, you better look somewhere else. (or you will be sorely disappointed) We use it in conjunction with a traditional audio monitor (Philips Avent Basic Baby Monitor w/ DECT Technology) and it works for us. Personally, being able to see my daughter from my iPhone from where ever I am is the main reason I continue to use this product and overall I can say I am quite happy with it. (The grandparents are also happy with it)

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